
OUCCC socials are a great way to get to know everyone in the club better and to (occasionally) chat about things that aren’t running related. 

It is really important to us that everyone feels welcome at our socials and so we try to put on a variety of events to make sure there is something for everyone, from organising day trips and crew dates, to race afterparties and end of season dinners. We try to get as many people involved as possible to build a team spirit before Shoeing the Tabs each and every varsity. Weekly casual catch ups are usually scheduled with weekday lunches and cake evening being the go-to events. For more information please get in contact with our Social Secs.

Vincent's and Atalanta's Summer Cocktail Party

Vincent's and Atalanta's Summer Cocktail Party

The OUCCC Social calendar generally consists of, but is not limited to, the following socials…

What you can get out of attending an OUCCC social…

Our socials usually happen every 1-2 weeks during term time and are posted on the socials term card at the start of each term, as well as on the Facebook page. 


All time top 10 - Chunder Mile

Most serious athletics events can be found on the OUAC Website but they have not included the Chunder Mile. Some say the winner of this event is the best athlete in Oxford!

Rank Name Time Beer
1 Jamie Parkinson 6:40 John Smiths
2 Joe Bowness 7:26 Heineken
3 Daniel Bundred 7:39 Coors Light
4 Alex Jackson 8:36 London Pride
5 Sam Brown Araujo 8:55 Doombar