Offer Holders
Are you in Year 13 and do you have an offer to study at the University of Oxford?
Congratulations! We’d love to hear from you.

OUCCC at English Schools
OUCCC offers top-quality training for all levels of ability and it’s a lot of fun to be part of our team. Our members make friends for life and memories that last a lifetime. We have a lively social scene and it’s the perfect way to meet a group of like-minded people from other colleges while doing a sport you love.
We can answer any questions you have about Oxford and OUAC and keep you up to date on events such as our Michaelmas pre-season training camp. If you like, we can also pair you with a buddy. We will try to match you with someone doing a similar subject too. Your buddy can answer any questions and be a familiar face at training if you join us in October.
In Michaelmas we hold a pre-season training camp in the middle of September. It is fantastic way to get involved with the club and get to know people before term starts. Please get in contact with the Club Captain if you would like to attend. It is highly recommended and we’d love to see you there!
Meanwhile, best of luck for the coming months! We hope to meet you in person in October. If you have other questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any member of our committee. We usually attend English Schools Athletics so please do come along and say hello if you are competing.
Please send us an email to let us know you are coming, including the following information!
- Name
- Gender
- Which college do you have an offer from?
- Which subject to you plan on studying?
- Are you keen to attend Pre-Season Training Camp?
- Personal bests or Power of 10 link
- Do you also do athletics, and if so, which events?
- Would you be interested in having a buddy who is in OUCCC currently?
- Anything else you would like to ask or let us know?
Dictionary of Oxford sporting terms:
Oxford can often seem to have a language of its own, with niche terms like 'sub fusc', 'bops', and 'collections' thrown about as though everyone knows what they mean! This can extend to Oxford's sporting life. To help make things more understandable as you start out, see our helpful dictionary of Oxford sporting terms:
Blues: A 'blue' is the highest sporting achievement attained by students at the university, and is highly sought after. Holders of blues are entitled to a certificate and blues blazer. 'Half-blues' may also be awarded. You can find the current blues criteria for cross-country via this link: blues-criteria-sport-last-updated-03-03-23 (
BUCS: The British university championships. Held at a different venue in the UK each year, with each event attracting hundreds of competitors. BUCS Cross-Country usually takes place in early February, with OUCCC entering teams for the men's and women's A and B races.
Crew dates: Socials in which members of two or more sports clubs gather jointly for food, drink, and an array of games, such as 'sconcing' and 'shoeing'. Often followed by a trip to Parkend, a local Oxford club.
Cuppers: Intercollegiate sporting competitions. Cross-country cuppers takes place in October (generally Saturday of 2nd week) at South Park.
Sports Fed: The Sports Federation is a branch within the university's Sports Department set up to support and promote organised sport and physical activity at the university.
Stash: Another term for kit. OUCCC branded kit, manufactured by Nike, can be purchased on throughout the year. Our Kit Rep will also organise 'stash drops', where you can avail of more bespoke items (e.g. puffer jackets) throughout the year.
Varsity: An annual competition between Oxford and Cambridge universities, held by all university sports. Cross-country Varsity takes place near the end of Michaelmas term and is open to runners of all abilities. Further information can be found in the dedicated webpage section.
Vinnie's: Vincent's Club is a members club for sportspeople at the university, located in the centre of Oxford. Social events - open to members and non-members alike - are held there throughout the year. Vincent's also provides awards for student sportspeople: Awards | Vincent's Club (